Consultations and training

For companies, staying updated on tax, VAT & toll regulations can be a struggle. We are happy to do this, but we can also help you boost your own knowledge and manage your own transactions. Why not try one of our courses?

KGH’s experts are always ready to help you. Once your problem is solved, you may need help establishing the new-found knowledge in your company. If so, we offer courses customised to your company’s needs. You’ll find our course programme at the bottom of this page.

Typical queries relate to:

  • Restructuring a company.
  • VAT consultations – Where and how should our trade charge and pay VAT?
  • The consequences of different flows of goods and services from a VAT and customs perspective.
  • HR: in which country should personnel pay tax, and where are employer contributions paid for personnel in other countries.
  • Permanent establishment.