
CPA front office

New customer or long-standing client? Quick consultation or long-term collaboration? Whatever your business, you are always welcome to contact us.
You can reach us on   +46 (0) 10 455 01 00 or through the contact form below.

    New customer in Norway?

     +47 69 21 40 00

    New customer in Denmark?

     +45 98 45 45 33 / +45 98 45 45 36

    New customer in Belgium?

      +32 (0)3 5404203

    New customer in Netherlands?

       +3 (0)633080144
       +31 88 648 1881

    Office addresses:


    KGH Accountancy & VAT Services AB
    Visiting address
    Kilegatan 4
    SE-452 33 Strömstad
    Postal address
    Box 202
    SE-452 24 Strömstad
    Phone:+46 (0)10 455 0101